2016 has been the year that Facebook Live became well known to most of its users. As the year ends, let us countdown the most popular live videos that had captivated the audience and netizens.
One of the most watched videos was from Candace Payne, aka “Chewbacca Mom.” Her “simple joys in life” captivated the audience more than any other Facebook Live video this year. The four-minute video was donning a talking Chewbacca mask while laughing hilariously in her car.

image source: facebook
The video was watched 164 million times since May 20. Chewbacca Mom defeated second-place Ted Yoder playing a hammered dulcimer. The latter’s video was viewed over 85 million times since August.
Chewbacca Mom
Politics was a popular topic all around the world. In the United States, the whole world was watching the 2016 presidential election, while in Brazil, President Dilma Rouseff in the wake of a massive corruption scandal enticed the world at third place. Black Lives Matter reached the no. 4 spot.
The election of Rodrigo Duterte was at number 5. The UK’s referendum over EU membership was at number 7. Pokemon Go was third most-discussed non-political subject.
US election was four or the most-watched live streams on Facebook. A video of people in Dallas hug police officers, a video of a truck carved out of wood and “Chardonnay GO”-Pokemon GO for moms were also included in the list.